Kicking off a new series on this blog, writing about the comics I pick up at the shop each week. There’s so much good stuff coming out right now, my brain is all itchy with that unmistakable desire to write about comics! So here we go. HOUSE OF X #2 – It’s so awesome to…
Tag: marvel
Comic Review: BLACK WIDOW #1
Black Widow #1 Review by: Erik Radvon Story by Chris Samnee and Mark Waid Art by Chris Samnee Color Art by Matthew Wilson Lettering by VC’s Joe Caramagna Cover by Chris Samnee & Matthew Wilson Publisher – Marvel Comics Cover Price – $3.99(USD) Release Date: Mar 2, 2016 Rating: 4/5 stars There’s a pendulum in…
Kill the Silver Age
I will never get tired of seeing Barry Allen die. Blame my age. My comic-reading vice (it’s an absurd habit, really) latched onto my central nervous system sometime in the mid ’80s. From the vantage of 2016, it was an extraordinarily strange time to come into the medium. The X-Men were dead rebels on the…
Can Peter Parker Finally Grow Up?
It’s time to let go. It’s time to put the scrapbooks of teenage, wisecracking Peter Parker on the shelf. It’s time to hang-up the throwback perpetual bachelor fantasy. It’s time to put Spider-Man away. It’s time to let Peter Parker get old. I say this as a reader who came into funny books in the…
This is Brian Michael Bendis at his best. There’s no diner scenes. No shots of superheroes drinking coffee. No infamous Bendis “wall of words” slowing down the story’s pace. There’s not even a pop-culture reference or winking aside to detract from the proceedings. Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #4 is a slam-bang Spider-Man adventure comic,…
Comic Review: ORIGINAL SIN #6
The Watcher has no eyes. Original Sin has no heart. Perhaps the more accurate word is core. Writer Jason Aaron is clearly in touch with the various Marvel Universe characters that populate the pages of Original Sin #6. He takes special care with Nick Fury Sr., the book’s de facto star, peppering his dialogue with…
Joyful Noise: Marvel Gets Funky with ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’
By Erik Radvon – – August 4 2014 Full disclosure: Any movie that begins with the title card “Earth 1988” has basically won me over from the get go. However, add to that auspicious beginning an ever-present soundtrack of AM gold radio hits, healthy doses of action and humor, and substantial characterization built up…
Comic Review: Spider-Man 2099 #1
Miguel O’Hara swings back into his own monthly title this week in Spider-Man 2099 #1, with none other than co-creator Peter David returning to handle writing duties. The first issue marks a serviceable yet somewhat muted return for the character, with flat plot points and occasionally stilted artwork weighing things down but enough action, humor,…
Comic Review: Rocket Raccoon #1
Scottie Young takes the reigns of Rocket Raccoon #1 as writer and artist, delivering a fun yet somewhat racy adventure for the furry space hero. Best known for his Oz books and steady stream of hot-selling variant covers for the House of Ideas, (he might be responsible for sending more than a few Marvel executives’…
Comic Review: Original Sin #3
Original Sin might be Marvel’s weirdest crossover to date, but Jason Aaron’s strong script and Mike Deodato’s art make this superhero noir work. Check out my review of Original Sin #3 over at Kabooooom:
Comic Review: Thanos Annual #1
Marvel’s Mad Titan returns in Thanos Annual #1. I review it over at Check it out:
Summer Comics Events Showdown – Marvel’s Original Sin vs. DC’s New 52: Futures End
Warm weather is finally breaking here in North America, and for comic fans that means the season of the massive summer crossover is upon us. Each year, the Big Two (and increasingly, other publishers) roll out their “event” books, bringing together throngs of heroes and villains for a run at large scale storytelling. Like Hollywood…
Chris Claremont tho
Chris Claremont wrote a crazy soap opera funnybook for just shy of 20 years. Reading it as a kid, it defined my worldview. This New York Magazine article from back in 2000 provides a nice crash course in the dynamic, exciting, and ever-melodramatic Marvel comic, the Uncanny X-Men. “X-Men,” says Claremont, “has always been about…
Nightcrawler — and fun — return in AMAZING X-MEN #1
Remember when the X-Men ruled the universe? In the 80s and 90s, the Uncanny X-Men weren’t just the coolest mutants in comics, they were the coolest fixtures across pop culture. Laden with sharp style, soap opera drama, and kinetic action, the X-Men were the pinnacle of escapist fun. Marvel’s Mighty Mutants don’t quite radiate the…